Everyone is familiar with the word ‘JavaScript’. It is one of the most widely used languages all over the world. JavaScript is an interpreted programming language. The programmers can manipulate the functions it can be used as per their convenience. Many popular websites use JavaScript as their web framework.
In this article, we list down top 8 JavaScript frameworks which are as follows:
One of the most popular web frameworks is Angular.js It is developed and maintained by Google. It is mostly used for developing Single-Page applications.
Angular.js is similar to the JavaScript framework and it is open source Model-View-Controller framework. Both unit testing and integration testing is supported by Angular.js. It uses HTML language to build user interfaces. Angular.js provides the users a rich and responsive experience because it gives data binding capability to HTML.
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Node.js is used for developing server-based applications. It can generate dynamic page content and can collect form data. It can also add, delete or modify data in the database. The files on the server can be open, read, write, close and delete.
Node.js is an open-source server environment and runs on several platforms such as Windows, Mac, Os or Linux. One of the popular features of Node.js is that it provides fast and highly scalable services. Using the same language, writing front-end and back-end is allowed. Node.js is more preferable when it comes to build gaming applications or chat applications because of faster synchronization. Its application is written in JavaScript. A single-threaded model with event looping is followed by Node.js. Its applications never buffer any data and simply output the data at large.
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React is a JavaScript library and used for building User Interfaces. It is maintained by Facebook and it can render on the power mobile applications using React Native and on the server using Node. For mobile application and websites, a dynamic and interactive user interface can be created with React. Its declarative views make the code more readable and easier to fix. Instead of templates, component logic is written in JavaScript and rich data can be easily passed through the applications and hold state out of the DOM.
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Vue.js is also a JavaScript framework for developing user interfaces. It is very small in size which is an advantage. It can be easily integrated into other applications which are built on JavaScript. This framework is very easy to understand. Its structure is simple and the developers can add Vue.js to the web project. In any problem arises, then the developer can trace the blocks which have errors. Any developer can easily develop web page or application who has basic knowledge of JavaScript and HTML because the documentation is thorough. Vue.js facilitates two-way communication which makes it very easy to handle HTML blocks because of its MVMM architecture.
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Backbone.js provides structure to JavaScript-heavy applications because it is a model-view-controller web application framework. It allows developing of front-end for applications which is easy to maintain and it can be also defined as an extremely lightweight library. It is very useful in simplifying the process for developing complex, interactive and data-driven applications. It automatically updates the HTML of the applications when a model changes. There are some applications which use Backbone.js, such as DocumentCloud, AudioVroom, Pandora, Foursquare, LinkedIn Mobile, etc.
Meteor.js is a full-stack JavaScript platform for developing modern mobile applications and web. It is an open platform and it is created using Node.js by the Meteor Development Group. For quick prototyping and develop cross-platform code for android, web and IOS, meteor is used. It has some interesting features such as the same code on both sides: client and server-side can be used because the applications are developed using JavaScript. It has also have some built-in features such as automatic CSS and JS minification, hot code reload and reactive templates. Through Cordova PhoneGap alliance, develop and deploy of IOS and Android is allowed by meteor.js
Mithril.js is a modern client-side JavaScript framework and used for building single-page applications. It is fast and gives routing XHR utilities out of the box. Its size is less than 8kps gzip. To minimize the amount of DOM updates, it uses an optimized and sophisticated virtual DOM algorithm. Mithril.js supports Firefox.ESR, IE11 and the last two versions of Edge, Safari, Chrome and Firefox. Companies like Nike and Vimeo is currently using mithril.js.
Ember.js was introduced in 2015 and it is an open-source framework. To make the job easy for the developers, it has friendly APIs. It has some prominent features such as it provides the Ember Inspector tool for debugging Ember applications. If the content of the applications gets changed then it uses a template which helps to automatically update the model. For creating maintainable and reusable JavaScript web applications, Ember.js is used. The instance initializers are also provided. Many popular websites like Netflix, LinkedIn, Nordstrom uses the Ember.js platform.
From this article, we have come to know about the 8 popular JavaScript frameworks. Every framework is different from each other and has its unique features. Many renowned companies are supporting these frameworks. Most of the frameworks of JavaScript is open-source. It has large community support also.